February 26, 2012
First Sunday of Lent
National Migrants Sunday
Gn 9,8-15 . 1Pt 3,18-22
Gn 9,8-15 . 1Pt 3,18-22
Mk 1,12-15
No long reflections. Just a quickie again, like today's Gospel.

In everything we do, we always say, Sige, ako na.Keri ko na ito. Kaya na namin, we don't need the help of anybody else. Especially when the temptation to give up comes in during our most trying times, people come to our comfort, but we shun them saying that I can. I can, though in all actuality, I cannot!
Jesus enters the desert in prayer and fasting for Forty Days. He was tempted by the devil. He faced so much desolation in the barren place.Yet he still saw himself purified by the ever-prevailing hope that His Father will never leave him.
Then he proceeded in starting his Gospel mission throughout Judea, proclaiming the Good News and healing the sick throughout the place. After overcoming the temptations and being filled with grace, he now sets himself forth to performing what the Father wants him to do, to save us from our sins.
We always face trials and temptations of every kind and size everyday. We sometimes say, lagi na lang ba ganito? We doubt the greatness of a God who always provides, though we do not see it. We are always tempted to not place our trust before the God of many wonders, to believe in what our physique can do for us.
Lahat tayo, dumaraan sa hirap. Sino nga ba'ng hindi? But listen to Jesus' words... The Kingdom of God is at hand! Repent and believe in the Gospel! The Gospel Jesus is presenting is not a Gospel of doom; it is a Gospel of Salvation open for all to receive as long as we place all our hopes and beliefs in God. We should never fall to temptation in every day of our lives; God will never fail us!
Hope always comes to people who believe that there is something better coming out of a dark cloud. What we can never do, God does for us. We just need to present ourselves as frail beings in need of a God to sustain us in all our undertakings. Never fear, he is always here for us!
Never say 'I can' only... always say, 'I can with God's help!'
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