Sunday, February 5, 2012


February 05, 2012
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pro-life Sunday
Job 7,1-4.6-7 . 1Cor 9,16-19.22-23
Mk 1,29-39

We often hear stories of priests with the special gift of healing. They are being visited by people from various walks of life, bearing with them different illnesses and a big faith that they will be surely healed. As  the priest places his hand over the sick, they are granted healing as the people say. 

But in his words the priest makes it clear, is it the work of the priest alone? No! He may grant people healing but it is not actually because of him. They still recognize the imminent power of God who gave them the grace to do such. They still owe everything to the One and same Jesus who, in his days, also preached and healed many people. 

What is their secret, anyway? Through intense prayer and appreciation of the Divine intervention, they can actually do these things. Also, what's important is the belief of the sick who wants healing. It takes spiritual communication between the Creator and his creation for healing to occur, through the priest.

Footnote: The Eucharist heals too!


We now enter the Gospel episode. Jesus heals ONE and Jesus heals ALL! From Peter's Mother-in-law, to all the Jews who have heard of the news. We see today a working Jesus who heals the sick, drives away demons and preaches the Good News.

Those who wanted healing went to Jesus, and they do not only come from one place but from various parts of Galilee. Word of mouth may be the cause of this great audience, but Jesus does not fail them and granted their wish. Everyone is very hopeful that something good will happen, and indeed they are blessed!

But what is the secret of Jesus?

Rising early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed.

Jesus does not have the power to heal by his own! He recognizes the one who gave him the grace, nobody else but the Eternal Father. If he claims the power and the applause as his own, he defeats his saving mission. At early dawn, he prays and seeks the guidance of His Father in everything he shall do; he always prays for the grace to never leave him, for the sake of all.

Jesus prays and communicates to his Father. In everything he does, he always asks for his Father's will. We can never see something wrong in his deeds because he has his Father's favor. The Father is the giver of life, and Jesus, being a co-equal Son of God, can also grant life and healing to those whom he would grant.

We are always seeking for greener pastures. We always want to free ourselves from sickness, not only of the body but most importantly, of the soul. But do we come to recognize the presence of God in our lives? 

We can be healed also. Let us just open ourselves to God's will.

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