January 25, 2012
Acts 22,3-16 or Acts 9,1-22
Mk 16,15-18

Next to Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Peter, Paul is given much importance. You can hear his readings (almost) every Sunday. We can see some writing genius in him for indeed he influences the people with how he writes. We
But do we know how everything started?
This prolific writer was not a straight Christian in the beginning; rather, he (named then as Saul) was also among the Jewish authorities who attempted to put and end to the 'Jesus Fever' that boiled through Judea at that time. He personally saw Stephen's martyrdom, and so for him everything's in favor. There's nothing that can go beyond their God, and not even Jesus the 'blasphemous' can level himself with the Sublime God.
But Jesus arrives at Paul's life and changes his views - and his heart - making him the great, if not one of the great preachers of the Faith. He is even known as the Apostle of the gentiles. He was blind for three days, making him realize the wrongdoings he had committed. But God is still gracious to him that after such time, he regained his sight and received much power from the Holy Spirit.
Jesus asks Paul, Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?
We have reflected on the passage last Sunday regarding the call of the first Apostles. We saw how Jesus catched the attention of Peter, Andrew, James and John, that from being fishermen, they became fishers of men and bold proclaimers of the Gospel. This is also the same thing that happened to Paul in our Feast today. Jesus intervened and Saul, the persecutor, receives the Word and is converted into Paul, the bold proclaimer of the Gospel. Jesus entrusts to him the same mission that he gave to the First Four. We see, no matter who you are, whether you are a humblest of fishermen, or the most savage of persecutors, when Jesus calls you on a holy mission, you are left with this immense grace and incomparable joy that you have nothing else to do than to follow the task given you.
Jesus asks us, Why do you persecute me?
This question goes to people of every race and generation who refused to accept Christ and watered their native land with the blood of his martyrs. This question goes to those who accepted Jesus' words, but used it for their personal amusement by changing it and converting it to their own prophecies, thus putting their millions of followers to doom. Above all, this question goes to us who continuously sin and hurt the feelings of others despite the words of Our Lord, Love one another, as I have loved you.
But I repeat (and I will unceasingly repeat), God is calling us! In our modern world, when almost nobody believes Jesus and the Gospel anymore, and depends rather on the misleading views of the modern generation, Jesus calls us still by name to take the lead in proclaiming the Good News of salvation to all. Nothing is greater than this, and we are blessed to have this mission and its promise of Eternal Life!
Like Paul, we are always given the chance to be converted from our sinful ways into being one of the bearers of his Gospel. We all have this mission, we are always called. Do we continue to persecute Christ by not sharing it with others?
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