My apologies for not posting yesterday's Gospel reflection, due to my Graduation Ball. In turn, I would like to invite you all to read Ur Dose's Holy Week series, next week. Just as last year's reflections became the most read of all UD's renditions, this year's Holy Week series would also serve as your online guide for the rightful celebration of the Paschal Triduum. I hope you would join me in providing Ur Dose of the Lord's love for all of us this Holy Week. Peace!
~ SB ^^
March 25, 2011
National Day of the Unborn Children
Is 7:10-14; 8:10 . Heb 10,4-10
Lk 1,26-38
The dawn is seen today; in a few days, the morning star will be seen in full glory! We celebrate the Solemnity of the Annunciation a few days (a week to be precise) before the Holy Week of Christ's Passion, Death and Resurrection. While for others this is just an ordinary Monday, we can ponder deeply on this rare coincidence, and reflect on Mary's role in the Saving Act of Jesus: his passion, death and resurrection.
Kaire, Kecharitomene! The Angel visits Mary in one busy day and reveals to her the Divine Mystery that will happen to her. You will conceive and bear a son, and You shall name him Jesus. With the grace of the Holy Spirit, Mary shall be hailed as the Mother of God and, as she said in her Canticle, From this day all generations shall call me blessed!
But this will never come to be without Mary's response: Ecce Ancilla Domini, fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum. Mary's acceptance became the key to unlock God's saving grace for all of us. More than anything else, her YES is the sign of her offering of self so that Salvation may be given to all.
This salvation we shall once again remember in the Holy Week. As Mary accepted God's will in the beginning, Jesus also opened himself to the Father's will on that dreadful night in the Garden of Olives. He experienced the pain of the scourging, the crowning of thorns, the carrying of the heavy cross. He experienced more than what he can endure, and yet he accepted this as the only way to save mankind.
Ancilla Domini. The Christian, as servants and handmaids of God, knows how to accept God's will in everything that happens in his life. Sometimes, we yell at the problems that come our way and blame God in the long run for the negativities we experience. But we do not see the grace of God that is entering through this dark cloud of troubles. We realize it, only when we fall down to the ground and give in to the problem.
Guys, we now ask ourselves as we celebrate the Solemnity of the Annunciation, How do we accept God's will in our life? Are we like the common tao of today's world who are so passive or has negative connotation on everything that is happening to his life? Or like Mary, do we see God's will unfold in the many challenges which we face?
We are all Ancilla Domini. Let us do what is needed, and accept every circumstance not as we will, but as God wills.
Kaire, Kecharitomene! The Angel visits Mary in one busy day and reveals to her the Divine Mystery that will happen to her. You will conceive and bear a son, and You shall name him Jesus. With the grace of the Holy Spirit, Mary shall be hailed as the Mother of God and, as she said in her Canticle, From this day all generations shall call me blessed!
But this will never come to be without Mary's response: Ecce Ancilla Domini, fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum. Mary's acceptance became the key to unlock God's saving grace for all of us. More than anything else, her YES is the sign of her offering of self so that Salvation may be given to all.
This salvation we shall once again remember in the Holy Week. As Mary accepted God's will in the beginning, Jesus also opened himself to the Father's will on that dreadful night in the Garden of Olives. He experienced the pain of the scourging, the crowning of thorns, the carrying of the heavy cross. He experienced more than what he can endure, and yet he accepted this as the only way to save mankind.
Ancilla Domini. The Christian, as servants and handmaids of God, knows how to accept God's will in everything that happens in his life. Sometimes, we yell at the problems that come our way and blame God in the long run for the negativities we experience. But we do not see the grace of God that is entering through this dark cloud of troubles. We realize it, only when we fall down to the ground and give in to the problem.
Guys, we now ask ourselves as we celebrate the Solemnity of the Annunciation, How do we accept God's will in our life? Are we like the common tao of today's world who are so passive or has negative connotation on everything that is happening to his life? Or like Mary, do we see God's will unfold in the many challenges which we face?
We are all Ancilla Domini. Let us do what is needed, and accept every circumstance not as we will, but as God wills.