Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Road to Emmaus...Mom's and Ours.

May 08, 2011
Third Sunday of Easter
Ac 2,14.22-33 . 1Pt 1,17-31
Lk 24,13-35

Maybe, if there is somebody who I really consider as my idol and model, aside from Jesus, Mary and the heavenly courts, that could certainly be my mommy. From the first moment when I came to being, I saw, felt and realized how much she loves me and my brother and sisters. Though her past is not that clear, nevertheless she strove for the welfare of all her children. She raised us to become good, responsible children. Though we are currently experiencing certain strifes in our relations as a family, nevertheless she is still strong and persevering for us, especially for the three children who remained unmarried until now, my two sisters and me.

If there is one thing that she certainly did for us, that is to guide us in the path that we should take, for us to be prepared for the future. She'd let us study in a Catholic School for us to be more imbued with Christian values. She'd let me face reality when she made me enter into a public university. Though I always make her mad, she'd never left us alone. That makes me love her all the more. That's the best thing that I could do for her, to love, appreciate, value and cherish everything that she did and taught me.

Perhaps, these were not the thoughts which were in the minds of the two disciples when they were walking with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. Brought about by the terror of the death of the Lord on Golgotha, these disciples walked their way home in sorrow, knowing that everything is over for Jesus and for them. In one event, every teaching, every healing, just everything which is connected to Jesus' ministry were washed away. Nothing is left for them, except the great sorrow over the death of their master. Not to forget the confusion which they have upon knowing that His Body was not seen in the tomb anymore, and is nowhere to be found. That really means nothingness for them. Wala na, tapos na. 

That is, until Jesus came in and walked with them. He noticed this grave sorrow upon the disciples, so he asked, What are you discussing as you walk along? The men were shocked, as if he did not know what happened at the City. So they shared their piece of the real story. 

Upon hearing this, Jesus said, Oh, how foolish you are! How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets spoke! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory? For Jesus, his disciples had really forgotten what is really the real thing, so as they are walking, he once again taught them the teachings of Moses, and the Prophets. This may be the only way for the Disciples who walked with him to once again appreciate the reality behind his death and Resurrection.

But nothing comes close to the event in the Disciples' house, when they asked Jesus to stay and eat with them,  for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over. Jesus sat at the table, took the bread, blessed it and gave it to them. It was like Jesus is saying, sige, sirit na. Ito ako oh, muli kong ipinapaalala sa inyo na ibinigay ko ang sarili kong buhay para sa inyo! How come you lost your faith in me so fast? Now, appreciate what I'm doing for you, and believe that i am risen!

And indeed, the eyes of the disciples were opened. But at that instant, Jesus disappeared. It was as if Jesus fulfilled his mission to the disciples, that he already made them realize the back story behind his death and resurrection. With that, they returned to Jerusalem to tell the whole thing. The two recounted what had taken place on the way and how he was made known to them in the breaking of bread. Their intense sorrow were replaced by immense joy upon seeing the Lord walking with them and making them appreciate the essence of his saving mission.

Mothers guide us; Jesus walks with us! Just the same thing as our mothers do for us in providing our daily needs and concerns, material or emotional, Jesus guides us spiritually through his Word and nourishes us through the Holy Eucharist, towards our salvation and total being. These two great things makes us celebrate this day with greater fervor and a spirit of gratitude: for the gift of Jesus' glorious saving work, and for our mothers' continuing effort to provide us with love and care.

We look into our own lives and ask ourselves, How do I appreciate the things that the Lord did for me? Is it the same as I do appreciate my mother's hardworking endeavor for my family? We should ponder on how these two people in our lives - our Lord and our Mothers, continue to form us to become responsible citizens of this world, living in filial love and gratitude. Without Jesus, we are not saved. Without our mothers, we would never come into being.

We pray today for the Mothers around the world, especially our own mothers, that like Mary who followed the Lord's will selflessly, they may continue to pray, work, and live to be the light of our homes and inspiration of our families. May we continually show our utmost support for their every hard work for our families, and for the love that she continues to provide us.

Likewise, we pray to the Risen Lord that he may continually guide us as we continue to trail this life of tears and joys. We pray for him to guide us with his wisdom to know and appreciate what is meant for our salvation. May we continue to show our appreciation for the Lord's saving glory through living a real holy life, and offering our every word and act for God's greater glory. 

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