January 13, 2013
Is 42,1-4.6-7 . Ac 10,34-38
Luke 3,15-16.21-22
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Mural inside the new Orthodox Church of St. John the Baptist next to the Jordan River, showing the baptism of Jesus that probably happened just outside the church. |
We feel inspired to do something whenever we see something which begets our feelings. If we like something, it seems easy for us to do and take care of; if not, then we just wait for the day that it will be gone. If a person catches us by his words of urging to help him do something, we will do help him and more than that because he caught our hearts.
We celebrate the Baptism of Our Lord today. This marks the beginning of the Mission of Jesus as he sets forth for the proclamation of the Kingdom of God. On today's Gospel, we witness the coming of the Spirit in bodily form like a dove and a voice coming from the heavens, You are my beloved son; in you am I well-pleased!
Like a go signal, Jesus started his ministry to the people of Israel after this event in his life. After thirty years of a private life, serving Mary and Joseph and learning the ways of man at the house of Nazareth, Jesus leaves his Mother and proceeds in fulfilling his Father's plan of salvation. He joins the mob at the Jordan, having himself baptized with the people as a sign of preparation for his upcoming holy job.
At this, Heaven "inspired" him to go and proceed. We hear the Father's voice and see the coming of the Spirit like a dove, like a holy sign of approval and confirmation that Jesus can start his preaching already. Despite the bashing of the devil, the jeers of the chief priests and scribes, the unbelief of some, and the betrayal of Judas, he still proceeds to do the Father's Will; they even give him more strength to go on and tell to the world how glorious God is. This leads us to witness the rest of the year as a living proof on how Jesus would do his ministry well, up to the point that he would offer his life for us.
We look for an inspiration. In everything we do, we look for someone or something which will fill us with much joy and strength for us to go on. We look for it in wordly things, sex, money and the like. Yes, it may inspire us but not for long, it may even leave us empty-handed.
But deep inside, in our spirit, we can find a better driving force for us to move forward with our problems. Jesus inspires us all the more to be closer to God and do greater things for his glory. In our baptism, we accepted his gift of faith, which we bear until this very moment. This faith reminds us that God is the sole source of grace and our ultimate goal, that he gives us challenges to see if we still stick to him, and that he will never leave us alone as he is present in the Church, in the Sacraments and in the people dear to us.
And so, how do we see God in our lives? Do we see him as an hindrance to our plans, as we still cling to the things of the world for an inspiration, or do we see him as the one true inspiration for everything we do? Do we pattern our lives after our baptismal vows, and after God's will, or after our interests?
The Lord, baptized in the Jordan, is inspired to go and preach the Gospel. Today, as we enter through the first part of the Ordinary Season of the Church, we are also inspired by God to go and make disciples of all nations. Let us then show the world how God inspires us, as he inspires Jesus!
Father, by calling Him as your well-beloved Son, you inspired Jesus at his Baptism in the Jordan to go and preach your Salvation to all. Be with us as we continue our lives of service to our brothers and sisters. Inspire us to be your heralds of faith, hope and love, now and always. Amen!
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