Friday, November 2, 2012


Commemoration of the Faithful Departed
November 02, 2012

Today, we remember in our prayers all those who went ahead of us, and now experience the purifying fire of Purgatory. We believe that, as sinners, we need to be pure in order to relish the joys of Heaven.

Those who do not believe may bash that this is not true nor found in the Bible, but in the experience of the Rich Man and Father Abraham we may find a certain proof that there is, indeed, this place - a stop-over - where we purify ours
elves off so that we may be more than worthy to enter God's Kingdom.

Contrary to the popular belief, we believe that God is a God of the Living, not of the dead (it justifies the name of today's celebration). When we die, we do not die totally; this is the passing from the land of exile to the reward or punishment waiting for us. We continue to live, but this time we now face the result of the challenges we had: PASSED, ALMOST, or FAILED.

Almost everyone neglects this Eschatological reality: we live as if there is no life after death. We do things which is against God's Will, even doing it inside his Home, which is our bodies. We continue to sin, do failures and lead others to their doom. All because it is "uso."

Dear friends, today's commemoration challenges us not to go with the flow of the world. The Lord calls us to proclaim His love, His truth, His mercy to the world, and not to deal with the yolk of pagans or schismatics. If we want to reach Heaven fast, let us indeed do every good turn to our brothers and sisters in need. This includes praying for those who passed away, the least remembered and most forgotten, and those who are near the gates of Heaven.

As the souls in Purgatory need our prayers, we also strive to be true to our name and calling: CHRISTIANS.

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