June 24, 2012
Is 49,1-6 . Ac 13,22-26
Lk 1,57-66.80
As we look back to the scriptures, we see how Zechariah, the Priest, saw the angel telling him the good news: Your prayers shall be answered. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son and you shall name him John. Old and barren, he hesitated to believe the prophecy, which led to his deafness for nine months.
In silence, he witnessed how God fulfilled his promise to him. As he reflected in the depths of his soul how God manifested his providence to his family, he who did not believed before carefully changed heart. As Elizabeth bears their child, he saw how God had spared them from shame and led them to prominence in his eyes.
His name is Yohannan! At the due time, Elizabeth gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just as they were about to name him Zechariah like his father, she resisted, telling the mob that his name shall be John (God is gracious.). Though it was their tradition to name the baby boy after his father, they still asked the opinion of Zechariah who confirmed Elizabeth's request.
BENEDICTUS DOMINUS DEUS ISRAHEL! At that moment, Zechariah's mouth was given again the grace of voice, and his first words are full of blessings and praise. He opened his mouth to witnessing how good God is to his family, who raised up the lowly.
What will be the fate of this child? As they witnessed the events, the whole countryside was anxious of what will happen to this child. For them, it is clear that God is with him, and that he shall be tasked to do something. Its fulfillment will come years later when this child would appear in the desert, the cry of one who shouts, Prepare the way of the Lord!
God provides! God always gives his graces to all who ask him, but he gives them in opportune time. Sometimes, we need to wait for days, weeks, years, until we see the fulfillment of our prayers, but upon realizing, we see that God gave us what we need at the right place at the right time.
Let's just believe. Sometimes we are tired of waiting that we just lead ourselves to unbelief. When God's grace comes, we can only say, weeh, dinga?! without reflecting deeply on the circumstances. God is never deaf to our needs; he knows what our desires are, and provides it when he wills.
Nothing is impossible! Even the barren wife is given a son, that's how great our God is. He answered many of our prayers before, even the most impossible ones. He never lets us down, especially if we pray to him with great faith.
But whatever he provides, has a mission! God never gives us something for a fancy; he provides us our needs to help us fulfill our mission in this world, that is to be beacons of God's Kingdom. His grace may give us the strength to preach the Gospel with our whole life. We are called, as we are provided, not to abuse the gifts of Our Father, rather, to be responsible stewards of his providence.
We may ask ourselves, How do I recognize God's grace in my life? Do I see God as a vendo machine who provides me with what I need when I need it, or as a great Father who never lets me down in everything I need, even those which I cannot do?
As we celebrate today's feast, let us remember this thought: God provides us with our needs, even the impossible ones. We just need to believe that he is the great provider, and we peruse these graces as it is supposed to be used.
Like Saint John, let us be heralds of the Lord ourselves, and let us proclaim God's Love in our own little ways.
Father Almighty, teach us to believe in your providence in all our days. Like Zechariah, help us to reflect your mighty power in the silence of our hearts. Like John, equip us with everything we need so that we may preach the Good News in time and everywhere. Amen.
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