June 29, 2012
Ac 12,1-11 . 2Tm 4,6-8.17-18
Mt 16,13-19
We stand unshaken on one rock!
We are guided on one teaching!
We have no fear, we continue our journey,
As One Church: Holy, Catholic and Apostolic!
Never would we stumble upon the devil’s snare,
Nor do the darkness reign over us.
Always does the Lord love us,
Through his blood, he saves us!
To Peter the Fisherman he entrusts the Church,
Giving him the Keys of the everlasting Kingdom.
Hades will never triumph over it;
Death would never prevail in its ports!
Paul stands bearing Christ the Light,
Guide to the gentiles and stronghold of nations.
Once did he persecute the community of believers,
But he died defending the faith sealed on the Cross.
Peter and Paul! Your blood strengthens the faith!
Your life is holy simplicity, your martyrdom great victory!
You led the flock to the knowledge of the Divine;
You left an example through a life of love and sacrifice.
Blessed would always be the Ecclesia!
Blessed forever is the believer in Christ the Lord!
Trials would always come along our way,
But we will always stand, strong and pure!
Blessed be Peter, the leader and key-holder!
Blessed be Paul, the eminent teacher!
Two great Apostles and Fishers of men,
Two great Pillars, Inspiration and Witness!
Pray for the Church, the Pope and Bishops,
Pray for the Clergy, Laity and Religious.
Pray for the continuous propagation of the Faith
Amongst peoples, tongues, race and nations.
We stand unshaken on one rock!
We are guided on one teaching!
Christ leads us to Eternal Life,
At the end of days, with Him we live!